Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (2024)

by Alana

Being vegan doesn’t mean you have to endure bland cookies or miss out on desserts altogether. In fact, these Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies are the perfect vegan treat! They have just the right amount of sweetness, with deep caramel undertones from coconut sugar, and thanks to Miyoko’s Creamery, these cookies are delectably buttery while remaining vegan. Plus, these cookies will give you a little caffeine boost…what’s not to love?

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (1)

At its most basic, a cookie is a simple combination of sugar, flour, and some type of fat. When a recipe calls for so few ingredients, quality is everything! As a vegan, the fat source is my main concern. These days, there are so many vegan butter alternatives on the market, with some much better than others. I highly recommend the Cultured Vegan Butter made by Miyoko’s Creamery. It’s a coconut oil-based butter that is actually fermented with live cultures, giving it a creamy tang reminiscent of European butters.

The coconut sugar is another unique feature of this recipe that brings a lot of flavor. Although regular sugar could be used, the coconut sugar in this recipe provides the cookies with a rich caramel undertone and a deep golden hue. The depth of flavor the coconut sugar provides make it so worth it to buy a bag and add it to your pantry arsenal.

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (2)

Let’s Make Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies

Making the cookie dough in a food processor is a fast and convenient choice. Before you begin, use the food processor to grind the coffee granules and hazelnuts, then set them aside. Next, simply add the vegan butter and sugar into the food processor and begin pulsing. Since the vegan butter is softer than dairy butter, the two come together very quickly into a thick paste. Pause as needed to open the processor and scrape down the sides. Finally, add in the rest of the ingredients and pulse until everything is incorporated into a soft dough. It’s as simple as that!

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (3)

Once you have the cookie dough prepared, divide them into 20 equal balls and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Making sure that the dough is chilled at this stage will make it easier to work with when it comes time to press the cookies. Of course, you could simply form the cookie dough into a log and cut slices if you want a quicker option. However, I took this as an opportunity to use my new Nordic Ware cookie stamps for the first time to make an especially visually appealing cookie. While Nordic Ware has a plethora of cookie stamp designs available, these are my absolute favorites. Not only are they decorative and festive enough for the holiday season, but since the designs are neutral, you can use them year round.

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (4)

I consider this to be a perfect adult cookie. They’re not too sweet, and have a delicious mix of complex flavors due to the coconut sugar, hazelnuts, coffee, and vanilla. For a vegan cookie, they are surprisingly buttery in the most perfect way!

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (5)


Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (6)

Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies

  • Author: Alana Haldan
  • Prep Time: 40 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
  • Yield: 20 cookies 1x


These Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies are a perfect vegan treat that comes together quickly in a food processor. There are so many vegan butter alternatives on the market these days, but for a truly authentic taste and texture, I highly recommend the butter from Miyoko’s Creamery. The coconut oil-based product gives these cookies the ideal shortbread taste and texture typical of traditional dairy butter.


  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.
  2. In a food processor, add butter and sugar. Pulse to combine, pausing to scrape down sides as needed, until fully combined and softened, about 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  3. Add flour, ground hazelnuts, ground coffee, and vanilla extract. Pulse until a dough is formed, about 30 seconds.
  4. Divide dough into 20 equal balls and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes.
  5. Using a cookie stamp, press dough balls down to desired thickness, about ¼” to ½”.
  6. Place cookies onto two parchment-lined baking sheets. Bake until deep golden brown, about 20 to 25 minutes (see note).
  7. Remove from oven and place onto a cooling rack until thoroughly cooled.


Due to the coconut sugar, the cookies will have a darker appearance than a typical shortbread cookie.

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Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (7)Welcome to Sprouts And Krauts! I'm a vegan chef that loves creating recipes with seasonal ingredients.
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Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (8)


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Coffee Hazelnut Shortbread Cookies | Vegan Recipes | Sprouts And Krauts (2024)


What is the difference between shortbread and cookies? ›

Compared to butter cookies, shortbread uses a higher ratio of butter to flour, and is baked at a lower temperature. This gives it its signature delicate consistency that crumbles in the mouth when bitten. It's also often baked in a pan and cut up after baking, rather than being cut into shapes before baking.

Why is shortbread so buttery? ›

The cause of this texture is its high fat content, provided by the butter.

What is shortbread called in America? ›

Americans are the outlier on how we use "biscuit"

To most of the rest of the English-speaking world, a biscuit is what Americans would refer to as either a cookie or a cracker. Biscuits can be sweet (shortbread) or savory. They're baked in the oven, and they're crisp, not chewy.

Should shortbread cookies be soft or hard? ›

Shortbread should always have a tender, melting texture, but be slightly crisp when you bite into it. It should not generally be damp or wet underneath. A classic shortbread recipe will also only have flour, butter and sugar as the ingredients (in a 3:2:1 ratio) and not egg, which could lead to excess moisture.

What are common mistakes when making shortbread? ›

The most common mistakes when making shortbread are over-working the dough, and incorporating too much flour. The less you work the dough, the more crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth your shortbread cookies will be.

What is the secret to good shortbread? ›

Tips To Make the Best Shortbread Cookies
  • Choose High Quality Butter. No matter what brand of butter you buy, if it's real butter, you can rest assured that it's the best. ...
  • Keep Ingredients Simple. ...
  • Add Flavor. ...
  • Don't Overwork. ...
  • Shape Dough. ...
  • Chill Before Baking. ...
  • Bake Until Golden. ...
  • Add Finishing Touches.

Why is shortbread unhealthy? ›

Why is shortbread considered to be bad for you? Shortbread is considered unhealthy because of the high butter content. How long do gingerbread houses last before eating them could make you sick?

What makes a shortbread a shortbread? ›

Shortbread is called short because of the traditional ratio of one part sugar to two parts butter that lends a high fat content to the dough. This yields a soft, buttery crumb that melts in your mouth, similar to short crust pastry. This ratio is also what makes shortbread so crave-worthy. 2.

Are shortbread and butter cookies the same? ›

Shortbread cookies, butter cookies, and sugar cookies are all light in color and buttery, but there are a few key differences: Eggs: Butter cookies and sugar cookies typically contain eggs, while shortbread cookies can be made with or without eggs. The egg makes the dough more pliable and less crumbly.

Is shortbread considered a cookie? ›

In simple terms, shortbread is a type of cookie classified by its high butter content. It is named shortbread due to its short, or crumbly, structure—which is caused by the high proportion of fat.

Which is better shortbread or butter cookies? ›

While butter cookies still have a high proportion of butter, the amount of flour and sugar is increased, which means they will hold their shape better than a shortbread. Butter cookies are great for rolling and cutting into shapes, offer a sturdier texture, and tend to ship well.

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